The Desert of Depression:
Celebrating January 15th, 2006
My 19th Anniversary

White Sands National Monument, New Mexico photography by Anthony She still visits me although she is not welcome. She knows that I am stronger. But that doesn't bother her. She's persistent. She takes advantage of any situation. A mispoken word. A hurt feeling. Hormones. The weather. A head cold. She'll just try to sneak in... she is slow and subtle. And sometimes I let my guard down... and I let her in... And I become just like her. But it isn't for long because I have learned her weaknesess... and I have learned my strengths. I have heard that she has been visiting you lately. And you are having a hard time resisting her. You are weak. And she knows it. But she is no longer a secret. We don't have to hide her anymore. Although some do. I don't. I can't. Depression. Has been defeated. On January 15th, 2006 she came for a visit. And she was ruthless. But God has comforted me in my troubles. So now I can ...