Did God Really Say...

Originally published on January 24, 2014

The Ethiopia/Uganda Chronicles
Chapter Four - The Doubt

Ethiopian boy chasing the team van.  
photography by Anthony Kaetzel

It was November.  A Saturday.  We were scheduled to get our immunizations for Ethiopia and Uganda later that morning.

He came down the stairs and he was upset.  He told us that he just realized he would be missing a couple of competitions in February when we were in Africa.  He was beside himself.  These were competitions that he had been preparing for... one for almost a year.

He wondered to us if he was really supposed to go to Ethiopia and Uganda.  He didn't feel called.  Perhaps God had spoken to us about it, but God had not spoken to him.  He was frustrated.

His father calmly asked him to find out the dates of the competition to be certain that they were conflicting with our trip to Africa.  He went upstairs.  He went to his room.  He shut his door.

And as a mother I wondered... Did God really say Christopher was to go to Ethiopia?  I cried as I thought of the sacrifice we were asking him to make.  Perhaps he could stay home.  Perhaps I was being selfish and wanting him to go with us for the wrong reasons.  He was right.  God had spoken to us as parents, but not to him.  Perhaps I should intervene and we could always change our minds.  I could fix this.

I walked down the stairs full of emotion.  Wanting to take away the pain.

But there he sat.  Calm.  Composed.  Resolute.  Talking with his dad.  He explained to me that he had felt prompted to read the second chapter of the book of James in the Bible.  And when he read James 2:14-17,  he knew what he had to do.  He knew his faith needed action.

What good is it, my brothers and sisters, if someone claims to have faith but has no deeds? Can such faith save them? Suppose a brother or a sister is without clothes and daily food. If one of you says to them, “Go in peace; keep warm and well fed,” but does nothing about their physical needs, what good is it? In the same way, faith by itself, if it is not accompanied by action, is dead.  James 2:14-17

And that was it.  He was changed.  God had spoke.  He listened.  That was that.

And I was dumbfounded at the thought that I almost saved him from it.  Saved him from hearing from the Lord.  From the opportunity to press into what seemed important to him to what seemed important to God.  I almost protected him from something that would change his life forever.

But God intervened.  God took care of it.  And He will.  He will always take care of it. 
Thank you, God.

For more of my thoughts on my trip to Ethiopia and Uganda visit here. 


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